Al-Fajr College of Science and Technology

Al-Fajr College aspires to be a pioneering college that attracts the most distinguished students and professors to produce community leaders.

About us

About Al Fajr College of Science and Technology

Al Fajr College was established by a decision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. In 2015, the first programs that the college...

  • Al Fajr College aspires to be a leading college that attracts the most outstanding students and professors to graduate community leaders.
  • Making an effort, relying on God, then the latest and fastest curricula and the best teaching methods.
  • Seriousness, diligence and a sense of responsibility in receiving knowledge, skills, and educational and behavioral guidance.
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فتح باب التسجيل للطلاب للسنة الدراسية الاولى 2025

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نظّمت كلية الفجر أول معمل طب الطوارئ للدفعات باتش 4 وباتش 5 ضمن برنامج الطب، وذلك في مركز المملكة العربية السعودية بالمستشفى السعودي الألماني في المدينة المنورة.

نظّمت كلية الفجر أول معمل طب الطوارئ للدفعات باتش 4 وباتش 5 ضمن برنامج الطب، وذلك في مركز المملكة العربية السعودية بالمستشفى السعودي الألماني في...

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امتحان طب الاطفال السريري

امتحان طب الاطفال السريري
كلية الفجر للعلوم والتكنولوجيا -فرع القاهرة

اقيمت بالمركز ورشة عمل بعنوان كيفية صياغة الاسئلة ذات الخيارات المتعددة وتحليلها .
بحضور كل من بروفسور...

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البروفيسور محمد الباقير عميد كلية الفجر يهنئ الشعب السوداني والقوات المسلحة بتحرير مدينة ود مدني

تقدم البروفيسورمحمد الباقير علي الامين ، عميد كلية الفجر، بأحر التهاني والتبريكات إلى الشعب السوداني بمناسبة تحرير مدينة ود مدني وعودتها إلى حضن الوطن بعد...

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dean word

dean word

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon our Master Muhammad, his family and all his companions. Dear faculty members, my sons and daughters, students, our distinguished guests, Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you,...

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القسم الطب والجراحه

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القسم الطب والجراحه

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الدرجة 3.79

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القسم الطب والجراحه

الدرجة 3.95































General strategy

Al-Fajr College aspires to be a leading college that attracts professors and professors to produce community leaders. We will do our best to achieve this goal, seeking God’s help, and then the latest and fastest curricula and the best teaching and evaluation methods will be implemented at the hands of qualified professors who are martyrs of great experience and a wealth of knowledge.

This college will grow year after year after its past in achieving its goals and the vision and mission that Al-Fajr College carries. The college directs its students and then its professors to work together to reach this goal, with diligence, mastery, and a spirit of responsibility in receiving knowledge, skills, and educational and behavioral guidance, and to keep the needs of their communities in mind.

We ask God to help us to provide an effective role model in university and higher education. We also ask God Almighty to make us servants of His book, the Noble Qur’an, and to accept it from all of us. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.