Program of Medicine Curriculum at Alfajr College Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)

To be one of the leading medical colleges through excellence in medical education and scientific research to meet community needs and aspirations.
الرؤية: أن نكون ضمن أفضل الكليات الطبية المتميزة في التعليم الطبي والبحث العلمي لتلبية احتياجات وتطلعات المجتمع .
To graduate safe and competent doctors enriched with the required knowledge, skills and attitude that pursue lifelong learning and professional practice to meet the needs of the local and global communities and the health systems, through evidence-based research and practice in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders.
Program Objectives:
The medical program Alfajr College aims to graduate doctors:
- Equipped with knowledge and skills as foundation for lifelong learning and future career in any branch of medicine.
- Ready to analyze and respond to health and community problems through critical thinking, research and evidence-based practice.
- Prepared to work in the national and global contexts complying with the guidelines of their health systems.
- Equipped with medical ethics to deal professionally with colleagues, patients and community cultures and believes.
- Able to Communicate with concerned parties and lead health teams effectively
Alfajr college for Science and Technology (ACST) is a non-profit institute, established as a new modern College in August 2015 based at Al-Ragi square in Khartoum, Sudan upon the Ministry of Higher Education approval. The College initially started with three programs: Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy.
The Medicine Program Curriculum at Al-Fajr College is a structured competency outcome-based five-year curriculum, that aims to graduate competent doctors to prevent, and manage health problems, and to improve population health. This curriculum is organized in three phases: introductory phase, the organ-system phase the and clinical phase. It is a community-oriented curriculum that integrates the behavioral sciences throughout the three phases. A multidisciplinary team including expertise in the field of medicine, medical educationalist, medical students and community representatives develops the curriculum, based on the health system and community needs. It adopts the modified ten steps approach using the institute for international medical education domains of competencies (IIME 2007). The medicine program since its development aimed at ensuring a high standard of medical ethics, education and practice to graduate competent and safe doctors.
Institute leaders along with the program coordinator, the EDU director, students, staff, community representatives, health authority representatives, higher education and scientific research representatives, medical societies, experts and advisors initiated the process of this curriculum development on December 2021. Then the process finalized by a final endorsement workshop in which all the program staff, students, community representatives, health authorities representatives, higher education and scientific research representatives, medical societies, experts and advisors contribute to it.
Sudan is one of the low-income countries, with a population estimated to be (43,849,269) and a declining growth rate and poor socioeconomic and health indicators, along with great disparities, and paradoxes in income distribution, development, poverty, and fiscal resources. Sudan has a poor policy and implementation in most sectors, in particular the health sector. In Sudan, the health system is fragile, with health indicators being consistently low and enormous disparities existing between urban and rural areas and between rich and poor. Lack of investment in health system strengthening, puts at risk all the Sudanese population who will not be able to access essential and lifesaving services.